Submit Articles for Courage
Information for Articles and Pictures Submitted to Courage
- Articles may be edited for length, clarity, and style.
- Articles must be submitted for publication no later than November 15 annually for the current year’s issue.
- Photos should be separate from the text in .JPG or .EPS format (The higher the resolution the better the printed detail).
- Submissions such as book reviews for the book pages are welcomed.
- Submissions for “The Last Word” must be condensed to fit on the last page and may be any topic. A picture accompanying the article would enhance the readability.
- The editor will place photos in the appropriate space within the text.
- Photos are published in black and white unless used on the front or back covers.
- All articles and photos become the property of the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation.
- If articles or photos are procured from a source other than the sender, the written permission of the original author and/or photographer and an approved attribution line must be included with the submission.
- Not all submissions will necessarily be published due to space limitations. Authors will be advised if their submission will not be published.
Questions and submissions may be sent to or mail to:
Editor, Courage
Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation
440 Laurier Ave W, Suite 200
Ottawa ON K1R 7X6